Craftplaces Connect

A web application to help to connect food truck owners with their customers. Customers can order catering, organizers can request vendors to take part in their events and everyone can subscribe to an info service.

January 2020
Vue.js -The Progressive JavaScript Framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications.
Laravel - a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
Webpack - A module bundler - transforming, bundling, or packaging just about any resource or asset.
Google Cloud - build, deploy, and scale applications, websites, and services on the same infrastructure as Google.

The application is concepted as a single point of access for all food truck vendors’ offerings. The whole process is fully digitalized and starts with location and details about the catering, matches with booked dates and ends up with predefined answers for food truck owners to speed up the process.

Very useful for everyone is the info service. Once subscribed to it customers get all dates weekly for their favorite food truck. A perfect way to stay up-to-date.

More references

More selected references which I can make publicly available since 2012.

Taiwan Gold Card

This platform combines all activities around the Gold Card program of the Taiwanese …

Stellarium Labs

The website is about Stellarium Mobile Plus, the next generation astronomy star map app. …

Craftplaces Api

An low-code solution for an easy handling of the Craftplaces food trucks API. Fast access …

Craftplaces Map

A web app to provide an easy way of finding food trucks around you. You can see where the …

Craftplaces Search

A web application to help customers to find food trucks dates based on names or locations. …

Craftplaces Business

A redesign of the original business service application from 2015. The goal was to fasten …

Craftplaces City View

After building the Craftplaces Website this functionality was a response to user feedback …

Craftplaces Website

The food truck platform Craftplaces website combines all information about vendors, street …

Foodtrucks Deutschland

The first website for food trucks in Germany started 2013 as a community project with …

Nürnberg und so

I started my first podcast “Nürnberg und so” together with my best buddy Daniel Bendl. We …