Stellarium Labs

The website is about Stellarium Mobile Plus, the next generation astronomy star map app. It combines a realistic night sky simulation with a gigantic amount of sky objects.

January 2021
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Alpine JS - Simple - Lightweight - Powerful as hell - Vue.js inspired.
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Stellarium Labs is a platform created by Noctua Software to develop and publish apps and other products related to Stellarium, the leading open source planetarium used by more than 20 million users since 2000. This landing page provides you with more information about a now state-of-the-art astronomical engine which is providing an accurate night sky simulation based on potentially gigantic amounts of online imaging and sky objects catalogs. We are also actively working on porting Stellarium on a large range of devices such as mobile phones, web browsers, and IoT devices.

More references

More selected references which I can make publicly available since 2012.

Taiwan Gold Card

This platform combines all activities around the Gold Card program of the Taiwanese …

Craftplaces Api

An low-code solution for an easy handling of the Craftplaces food trucks API. Fast access …

Craftplaces Map

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Craftplaces Connect

A web application to help to connect food truck owners with their customers. Customers can …

Craftplaces Search

A web application to help customers to find food trucks dates based on names or locations. …

Craftplaces Business

A redesign of the original business service application from 2015. The goal was to fasten …

Craftplaces City View

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Craftplaces Website

The food truck platform Craftplaces website combines all information about vendors, street …

Foodtrucks Deutschland

The first website for food trucks in Germany started 2013 as a community project with …

Nürnberg und so

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